We offer high quality insurance and financial products to the individual and business marketplace.
Allow us to check and discuss your beneficiary form, its the most powerful document when it comes to your retirement and estate. “How can that be?” you may ask. The beneficiary form is Senior to all other estate planning documents, even a will or a trust.
This means any asset you own, for example a retirement account or life insurance, will pass directly to the named beneficiary at your death without the need for a will or probate.
(Ex-spouse? he or she get's it. No beneficiary the state get's it)
In this day and age an individual is responsible for securing his own financial future. Therefore, it is vitally important that you have access to a wide variety of secure retirement income solutions.
Life insurance which protects a homeowner and family at a fixed rate of payments for a limited period of time, usually the length of the mortgage term.
It is a unique financial product that provides tax deferral of interest and capital gains and the option (if funds are annuitized) of a guaranteed monthly income for life.
Disability Insurance
U.S. Census Bureau figures show that nearly one in five Americans will become disabled for a year or more before age 65. Long-term disability insurance replaces lost wages due to illness or injury.
Testimonial Wife of FireFighter: Kimberly